Development of an endoscope for ENT surgery based on a circular business model
Project duration: 3 years
Partners: Tympany Medical, UCD-MNMT, Gentian Services and NCAD
Funding: Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Tympany Medical’s next-generation Solascope Endoscope will be a ‘Beyond the State of the Art’ device produced and supplied through a circular and sustainable business model.
The NCAD research team’s challenge is to develop a viable circular economy business model that reduces the amount of waste generated (versus a single-use model) throughout the product’s life.
To achieve this, our research focused on understanding the key requirements of the regulation, design, manufacture and sale of medical devices. The project outcomes will drive the ability of Tympany Medical to commercially and technically operate within the circular economy.
The primary insight gained by the NCAD research team is the potential for the effective use of Life Cycle Assessment as a design tool for the development of a Circular Economy product. Life Cycle Assessments can help identify components sourcing, manufacturing processes and logistics elements that most contribute to negative environmental impact during a product life cycle. This knowledge can be used to inform design decisions enabling the elimination of waste, pollutants and inefficient processes during the development of a device at every stage of its life.
The primary insight gained by the NCAD research team is the potential for the effective use of Life Cycle Assessment as a design tool for the development of a Circular Economy product. Life Cycle Assessments can help identify components sourcing, manufacturing processes and logistics elements that most contribute to negative environmental impact during a product life cycle. This knowledge can be used to inform design decisions enabling the elimination of waste, pollutants and inefficient processes during the development of a device at every stage of its life.
NCAD is developing a Circular Economy Business Model in collaboration with Tympany Medical to demonstrate the potential for the sustainable production and market feasibility of their next-generation Solascope endoscope.
A Service Blueprint will be created to illustrate the Circular Economy Business Model including the device design, manufacture, packaging, sterilisation, reprocessing, logistics, reverse logistics and potential project partners/suppliers. It will display company, partner, customer and user facing interactions, touchpoints and technologies.
A Customer Journey Video will also be produced to showcase key points in the product system and service provision.