The Big IDea!

Enabling quick identification of ward staff at a glance.


Project duration: 1 week Design Sprint (2019). Resumed 2022.

Partners: Mater Transformation

Funding: HSE Spark Innovation

"We want more of these, we love them!"Dr Fran O’Keefe Emergency Department Consultant
Alan MacFarlane (Service & Interaction Designer, Mater Transformation)
Emer O’Kane (Project Manager, Mater Transformation)
Siobhán Manning (Service Innovation & Design Lead, Mater Transformation )
Eve Rowan (Staff nurse, Cardiothoracics)
Dr Vinny Ramiah (Consultant Emergency Medicine)
Dr Brian McCullagh (Respiratory Consultant)
Zachary Chambers (Head of Security)
Yvonne Timony (Assistant Director of Nursing Innovation, Research and Technology)
Maeve O’Sullivan (Medical Post-Grad Centre Coordinator)
Sharon Toal (Medical Manpower Manager, Mater Hospital)